9:05– 9:15 |
Opening by President MASETA (Hungarian Association of Porcine Health Management)
1st Session: Environmental footprint of pig farming
9:45 |
Components and calculation of environmental footprint of pig farming – Dr. Richárd Márkus (PhD, DSM-Firmenich Austria)
9:45– 10:10 |
Impact of PRRS eradication on the environmental footprint of pig farming in Hungary – Dr. István Szabó (PhD, MASETA)
10:10– 10:30 |
Impact of Lawsonia intracellularis on production and sustainability – Dr. Robert Tabelling, (Dipl. ECPHM, MSD Germany)
10:30– 10:50 |
(20 min) Round table discussion
10:50– 11:20 |
2nd Session: Challenged by the climmate change; pig farming in the heat
11:20– 11:50 |
Effect of heat stress on behaviour and production of pigs – Dr. Antoni Dalmau (PhD, Senior Researcher Animal Science IRTA, Spain)
11:50– 12:10 |
Climate control solutions on pig farms – Adrien Lemetayer (Ing.MSc Technical Director; I-TEK SAS, Tremeur, France)
12:10– 12:30 |
Climate control solutions on pig farms – Sven van Genugten (MSc, Managing Director; Genugten Agri Projects BV, Sint Oudenrode, The Netherlands)
12:30– 12:50 |
Heatwave on the fattening farms; view of a practitioner vet – Dr. Rezső Kovács (MSc, private veterinarian, MASETA)
13:10 |
(20 min) Round table discussion
13:40 |
3rd Session: Antimicrobials in pigs; producer and customer sides
13:40– 14:10 |
Trends in antimicrobial use of pig farms in Hungary – Dr. László Gombos (MSc, private veterinarian, MASETA)
14:10– 14:30 |
Antimicrobial use and its relation to the profitability in a slaughter pig producer company – (Dr. Róbert Szendi MSc, veterinarian, feeding consultant Permex Vet Kft
14:30– 14:50 |
GMO and antibiotics free pork products on the shelves of a supermarket chain (Roland Papp, Purchasing Manager, Lidl Magyarország Co)
14:50– 15:10 |
(20 min) Round Table discussion
15:10 |
Closing words
15:15 |